Strategies To Manage Pain Associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a persistent condition that can lead to intense and incapacitating symptoms in individuals across various age groups. Although the main objective of treating rheumatoid arthritis is to slow down the progression of the disease and prevent further damage to the joints, daily pain management is essential for patients to maximize their quality of life.

Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, particularly joint discomfort, might interfere with daily activities and lower one’s quality of life in general. There are several choices for efficiently managing discomfort related to rheumatoid arthritis.

To enhance your quality of life, pain management is crucial. Check out the therapeutic approaches that need to be incorporated into pain management procedures –

  • Choose an appropriate medication
  • Use heat and cold packs
  • Adhering to a suitable diet
  • Go to pain clinics for pain management

Appropriate Medications for rheumatoid arthritis

Finding the right medication for your specific case of rheumatoid arthritis is essential to managing the condition well, reducing inflammation, and providing pain relief. Patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis receive a comprehensive medical treatment plan that includes both immunotherapy medications known as biologic response modifiers and traditional disease-modifying antirheumatic medicines. They can choose from a variety of treatments, such as corticosteroids, analgesics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and various rheumatoid arthritis therapies.

Heat and cold packs

For those with rheumatoid arthritis, alternating between hot and cold packs helps reduce pain caused by inflammation. Heat helps to relax muscles and joints, while cold packs block pain perceptions.

Adhering to a suitable diet

When it comes to alleviating the pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis, diet is important. It is imperative to maintain a healthy weight because obesity and associated health problems can significantly impact pain management.

Clinics for pain management

Pain clinics offer physical and occupational therapy, complementary and alternative medicine, and other therapies for the management of pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis. These include massage therapy, acupuncture, meditation, and other therapeutic strategies.

Have an insight into some tips that can help you stay healthy and alleviate your pain –

Reduce stress on your joints

Reduce joint stress by paying attention to what you do every day. Activities that put a strain on your joints, such as turning doorknobs and lifting objects, may cause soreness.

Deal with emotional stress

Joining a support group with other rheumatoid arthritis patients can help you deal with any stress or trauma you may be experiencing. Getting professional counselling might also help you stay happy.

Take proper rest

Proper rest is necessary to keep the immune system stronger, maintain energy levels, and maintain excellent health.

If you continue to experience pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis, set up an appointment with a rheumatologist. Being a distinguished Rheumatoid Arthritis Specialist in Chandigarh, Dr Manu Mengi is committed to delivering a personalized treatment for those dealing with rheumatoid arthritis. Best known for his compassion, Dr. Manu Mengi makes sure that the patients get a customized treatment plan that can effectively manage their condition. He is a recognized Rheumatoid Arthritis Specialist in Chandigarh who greatly improves the quality of life for people dealing with this condition.

Approaches To Effectively Treat Persistent Arthritic Pain

Arthritis is the leading cause of pain and disability globally. Many people with arthritis may have chronic pain. This pain lasts three to six months or longer, whereas arthritic discomfort might last a lifetime. It could be continual or intermittent.

Chronic pain is a common symptom of arthritis and related diseases in many people. Arthritis pain can persist for a lifetime, although discomfort lasting three to six months or more is considered chronic. It could be continuous or sporadic. Daily tasks like clothing, taking care of your children, and cleaning the house might be difficult to complete when you are in chronic pain.

There are various approaches to effectively treat persistent arthritic pain. You can consider these suggestions that can help you recover and gain insight from those who have endured persistent pain due to arthritis.

Adhere to your medication regimen

Arthritis pain and inflammation can be managed with prescription and over-the-counter medications your doctor has prescribed. Consult your physician if you cannot take your prescription due to adverse effects or financial difficulties.

Do exercise

Exercises that help control weight, such as yoga or walking can help improve flexibility, balance, strength, and arthritis pain. It is important to consult your physician if you are new to exercise to see what could be best for you. You will feel more energised and your sleep may improve with exercise.

Be positive

Positivity dramatically increases pain tolerance in many individuals with persistent arthritis pain. Try not to succumb to discomfort. Try to distract yourself from it. To stay positive, engage in activities you find enjoyable. You can also consult a physician to learn about how breathing exercises, meditation, and hypnosis help you manage your pain.

Make lifestyle changes

Being overweight can increase arthritis pain and lead to more complications from the condition. The best way to control weight is to make small, long-lasting lifestyle adjustments that lead to progressive weight loss.

Things you need to avoid if you are suffering from arthritis

Excessive treatment

If you find yourself taking over-the-counter painkillers regularly, consult your physician.

No treatment

If you feel persistent, severe arthritis discomfort, do not ignore it. You need medication to treat any joint injury or inflammation.

Only focused on pain

People with arthritis are at increased risk of experiencing depression.  Using antidepressants and other medicines to treat depression helps patients feel less depressed and have less pain from arthritis.

Thus, if you are coping with arthritis symptoms and pain, these tips can help you. Are you seeking Arthritis Specialist in Chandigarh? Look no further than Dr. Manu Mengi. He is committed to providing personalised care for individuals dealing with arthritis. With his compassionate care and dedication to improving the quality of life for arthritis patients, he incorporates the latest developments in the management of arthritis.

If you are looking for personalized Arthritis Treatment in Chandigarh, schedule an appointment with Dr. Manu Mengi. He is devoted to alleviating the impact of arthritis on your life.

Implement lifestyle changes to effectively manage your Back Pain

One of the most prevalent complaints among adults is back pain. It causes discomfort, sleep deprivation, and missed work for several days. Although back pain usually goes away on its own in less than six weeks, wouldn’t it be better to prevent it altogether? Not all back pains need surgery, sometimes lifestyle changes are enough. Have a look at some lifestyle modifications that can help relieve your back pain –


Back pain can get worse due to weak core muscles. Engaging in physical activity strengthens your back and abdominal muscles. It is important to stretch out post-workout as it keeps your muscles loose and warm. It also helps increase flexibility by enabling the movement of your joints and muscles. You can add a yoga class or stretching session into your routine.

Maintain a good posture

Bad posture can worsen back, shoulder, and even neck pain. There is much more to posture than just standing upright. Having a proper posture is important when standing, sitting, or walking.

Practice safe lifting

Safe lifting skills are necessary, whether you are picking up large boxes, groceries, or a toddler. Always use your leg muscles to lift, while keeping the item close to you. You mustn’t twist your core while lifting.

Lose weight

It might be difficult for your muscles to perform daily tasks if you weigh more than you should. In addition, the additional weight on your spine can misalign your vertebrae, exerting stress on your joints and perhaps contributing to pain. You can lessen the tension on your back muscles and spine by losing weight.

Make necessary changes

Back pain can be reduced by making a few adjustments to your house, workplace, and wardrobe. Steer clear of high-heeled shoes, try to sleep on a firm mattress, and use a lumbar support pillow when driving or sitting. Design a workstation that will prevent you from constantly stooping to stare at your computer screen. Choose a chair for your office that will support your lower back and let you maintain a firm foot on the ground.

Keep your spine bones strong

Osteoporosis can be avoided with strong bones. Make sure you get enough calcium and vitamin D to maintain strong spine bones.

The Takeaway

If the above-mentioned lifestyle changes do not relieve you from back pain, it is best to schedule an appointment with an orthopaedist. If you are looking for the Back Pain Specialist in Chandigarh, look no further than Dr. Manu Mengi. He strives to help you heal from any kind of back pain and return to the natural state of optimal health.

Dr. Manu Mengi follows a holistic approach to your well-being and addresses the root cause of your back pain. Using a combination of cutting-edge therapies and exercises, he helps his patients regain mobility and strength. Seeking Back Pain Treatment in Chandigarh? Reach out to Dr. Manu Mengi for a customized treatment plan that focuses on long-term health improvement. Begin your journey toward a back-pain-free living.

Choose The Best Back Pain Doctor in Chandigarh to Experience an Unparalleled Relief

If an aching back is becoming more of a regular occurrence — rather than something you randomly pulled at the gym — you are not alone. With aging, people start losing fluid in their discs which tend to collapse, thus triggering back pain. It further leads to stiffness, increasing the chances of injury. If the pain persists, it is best to see a Back Pain Specialist in Chandigarh who is best known for his exceptional expertise and commitment to delivering the best patient care possible.

Have a look at some reasons that play a role in your back pain –

Inadequate Vitamin D: –

It is found that those suffering from severe back pain have the lowest levels of Vitamin D. They are more prone to disc degeneration and back pain. If you have stronger bones, these can help protect you against back pain and other issues.

Insufficient core strength: –

Not having enough core strength can also lead to chronic back pain. The core muscles play a vital role in providing support and stability to the spine. When there is not enough core strength, it puts extra strain on the back, discomfort, and back pain. You need to follow a fitness regimen that emphasizes core strength to improve your spinal support and back health.

Lack of adequate sleep: –

If your room is not too dark, your body will sense it, it will reduce the quality of your sleep. Adequate sleep is important to keep your muscles relaxed. Moreover, you will feel more pain if you do not get enough sleep. To keep your discs in good condition, you need to take proper rest. It gets more crucial as you age.

Prolonged sitting: –

Sitting for a long time can take a toll on your back health. The immobility in your joint will cause a spasm in your skeletal muscle that further triggers pain in your back. This pain can further shoot down to your hips and other joints.

Difference in your leg length: –

It might come as a surprise to you that a difference in the length of your legs can also trigger back pain. It can lead to unequal pressure on one side of your body as compared to the other.

Soft mattress: –

It can be tempting to sleep on mattresses that feel like marshmallows. However, it does not work well for your back. If you use a soft mattress, your body tends to sink, providing no support for your spine. It further causes back pain.

Overall, these factors can do a number on your back. If you are trying to deal with back pain related to ageing, several therapeutic approaches can offer some relief. Have an insight –

Physical activity: –

Stay active and you will recover from back pain occurrences faster.

Physical therapy: –

A fitness program emphasizing your back health can help you increase strength while also improving balance and flexibility. Your spine will be stronger if you work on your back and core.

Anti-Inflammatory medications: –

Some medications can help relieve you by stopping the inflammatory pain. Your doctor might prescribe you these medicines for chronic back pain.

Applying ice pack: –

Applying an ice pack for 20 minutes is the best approach when back pain occurs. It helps reduce the painful inflammation that leads to back pain.

Use a heating pad: –

You can consider using a heating pad after two or three days to relax your back muscles and regulate blood flow.

If you want to entrust your back health to a highly proficient back specialist, look no further than Dr. Manu Mengi. Being the Best Back Pain Doctor in Chandigarh, he has a solid background in diagnosing and treating several back pain issues. With years of hard work and perseverance, he has earned a reputation as the go-to specialist for those seeking personalized back pain solutions.

Always driven towards solutions, Dr. Manu Mengi starts with proper evaluations, followed by making precise diagnostics and creating treatment plans that are tailored to address the unique needs of the patients.

If you are looking for innovative, state-of-the-art care for your back issues related to ageing, trust Dr. Manu Mengi to bring you relief and instil a sense of well-being.