Dr. Manu Mengi – A name well-written in the field of Knee and Hip Replacement in Chandigarh

Dr. Manu Mengi, known for his skill in Knee and Hip Replacement in Chandigarh, has established himself as a reliable figure in the field of orthopedic surgery. His unrivalled surgical expertise and customized patient care have earned him worldwide appreciation from patients alike. Dr. Manu Mengi approaches each surgery with accuracy and care, making sure of the best possible results for his patients.

Personalized care and advice

Beyond his skills, it is his compassionate approach to patient care that truly distinguishes him. Dr. Manu Mengi knows the physical and emotional problems that people with joint issues face, and he goes above and beyond to provide personalized care and advice throughout their treatment path.

Overall patient experience

Through his constant pursuit of innovation, he strives to improve the efficacy and safety of orthopedic surgeries. Additionally, he works with other researchers and industry specialists to investigate creative ways for knee replacement surgery, to improve existing methods and to develop new solutions. He helps to shape the future of orthopedic treatment by pushing the boundaries of knowledge and technology. Dr. Manu’s pioneering research not only improves surgical outcomes but also works on the overall patient experience, ensuring that people receive the best treatment possible.

Trust Dr. Manu Mengi for outstanding results

Dr. Manu Mengi offers outstanding results by embracing innovation and constantly looking for ways to improve his practice. His commitment to staying updated on the newest breakthroughs in orthopedic technology and surgical techniques guarantees that patients receive the most modern and successful treatments possible. Dr. Manu’s proactive approach to integrating cutting-edge innovations into his practice not only improves care quality but also leads to better surgical outcomes and higher patient satisfaction.

Have an insight into a wide range of treatments offered by him that caters to the needs of the patients –

  • Total knee replacement (TKR)
  • Total hip replacement (THR)
  • Partial knee replacement (PKR)
  • Hip resurfacing

Overall, Dr. Manu’s commitment to staying updated with the latest advances in orthopedic technology and surgical techniques ensures that his patients receive cutting-edge therapies. This dedication to innovation allows him to produce superior results, resulting in less suffering and faster recovery times for his patients. Dr Manu’s role at the forefront of orthopaedic research is demonstrated by his active contributions to the evolution of surgical procedures and implant technology.

When to consider knee or hip replacement

When typical treatments such as medicine, physical therapy, or injections fail to relieve chronic joint pain, people consider knee or hip replacement surgery. Moreover, if joint stiffness and reduced mobility begin to significantly impair daily activities and lower quality of life, it may indicate the necessity for joint replacement. The substantial joint degeneration caused by disorders such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or other degenerative joint diseases, as well as severe joint damage caused by traumatic events, may be reasons to consider joint replacement surgery.

Embark on your journey to restored mobility with Dr. Manu Mengi

Under the guidance and support of Dr. Manu Mengi, patients can confidently and peacefully embark on their journey to restored mobility and a better quality of life. His holistic approach to Knee and Hip Replacement in Chandigarh assures not only great outcomes but also a positive and comforting experience for patients throughout their treatment. Additionally, his experience, together with his compassionate care and commitment to quality, instils trust and reassurance in his patients, allowing them to take the required steps toward regaining mobility and resuming active lifestyles. Patients can rest assured that they are in capable hands, getting the highest level of care and tailored attention to achieve the best potential outcomes.

When it comes to the health of your knees and hips, nothing but the best will work, and this is exactly what Dr. Manu offers. Dr. Mengi’s expertise and empathic approach ensure that patients receive excellent therapy aimed at alleviating chronic pain, regaining mobility, and improving total joint function.

To Sum Up

Are you deciding whether to consider knee or hip replacement? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Manu Mengi, an expert in Knee and Hip Replacement in Chandigarh. Before recommending knee or hip replacement surgery, he conducts thorough exams and considers a variety of criteria, including the severity of symptoms, overall health, and individual goals. Using his knowledge and patient-centred methods, Dr. Manu Mengi ensures that each patient receives individualized guidance and aid in making well-informed decisions about their joint health and available treatment options. Trust your knees and hips to Dr. Manu Mengi for an experience that prioritizes your health and allows you to live an active, meaningful life.

Manage Knee Osteoarthritis Pain and Improve Mobility with Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee osteoarthritis poses a significant burden on the global population, impacting the lives of millions. Triggering pain, stiffness, and functional impairment in the knee, causes the progressive breakdown of cartilage in the knee joint. Knee osteoarthritis impacts various impacts of your daily life, from walking to sitting or lying down.

Knee osteoarthritis occurs when the protective cartilage within the knee joint deteriorates. Consequently, the bones in the knee joint begin to rub against each other, leading to discomfort, stiffness, and swelling.

The primary symptom of knee osteoarthritis is pain that can significantly hinder activities such as jogging, running, or climbing stairs. It can lead to feelings of stiffness and swelling in the knees. As the condition progresses, it alters the shape of the knee joint, resulting in sensations of wobbliness.

Osteoarthritis occurs when cartilage softens, cracks, and thins. Unlike several other tissues, cartilage lacks substantial self-repair capabilities, allowing it to sustain damage from major injuries. Osteoarthritis can appear in three locations: the inner aspect of the knee joint, the outside part of the knee joint (lateral), and beneath the kneecap (patellofemoral).

Risk factors that speed up the risk of knee osteoarthritis –

Frequent knee strain

People who routinely kneel or squat as part of their employment or perform heavy lifting jobs are more likely to develop osteoarthritis.

Injuries to your knee

Knee difficulties can be caused by meniscus injury, anterior cruciate ligament tears, kneecap dislocation, or fractures close to the knee joint.


Individuals with a Body Mass Index (BMI) exceeding 30 are classified as being severely overweight or obese. Higher BMIs correspond to increased strain on the joints.

Contrary to popular assumption, some people believe that exercise worsens knee pain and accelerates wear and tear. However, a lack of activity is more harmful to joints. It weakens muscles and jeopardizes the health of joint cartilage, which is truly maintained through physical exercise. The non-surgical treatments include pain medications, physical therapy, maintaining a healthy weight, steroid injections, and visco supplementation.

Factors that doctors consider to recommend knee replacement surgery –

Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee replacement surgery involves removing the damaged portions or the entire knee joint, which are replaced with artificial components constructed from metals and plastics. In some cases, the robotic-assisted surgery is performed. While complete recovery may require several months, the relief can endure for many years. To ensure a successful surgery and optimal recovery, it is important to choose the Best Knee Replacement Specialist in Chandigarh who prioritizes patient-centred care and takes time to listen to your concerns. With extensive experience in orthopaedic surgery, Dr. Manu Mengi is best known for his expertise in knee replacement procedures. Being the Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Chandigarh, he is committed to delivering personalized care to each patient. He utilises the best surgical techniques to achieve the best outcomes.

In other words, it is his dedication to excellence along with his compassionate approach to patient care that makes him a top-rated Knee Replacement Specialist in Chandigarh. Want to restore mobility and improve your quality of life? Dr. Manu Mengi is within reach – Just a call away!

Unmatched Knee Care with The Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Chandigarh

Knee discomfort and poor mobility can drastically reduce one’s quality of life, complicating even simple chores. Fortunately, advances in medicine have provided ground-breaking options, one of which is knee replacement surgery, which stands out as a game changer for people suffering from chronic knee problems. This surgery offers hope to people suffering from serious knee issues. This medical operation involves replacing a degraded or diseased knee joint surface with an artificial one.

This procedure helps to alleviate pain, restore function, and improve the overall quality of life for patients suffering from severe knee disorders. It is often recommended for people suffering from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, post-traumatic arthritis, or other degenerative illnesses of the knee.

Have a look at the benefits of knee replacement surgery

Increases quality of life

Knee problems can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life, including chronic discomfort and reduced mobility. However, a key benefit of knee replacement surgery is its significant impact on overall well-being. This surgical procedure not only relieves physical discomfort but also promotes mental and psychological well-being.

Quick recovery

Progress in surgical methods and post-operative care has significantly reduced the recovery time associated with knee replacement surgery. Customized physical therapy and rehabilitation regimens are intended to meet the individual needs of each patient, allowing for a quick return to routine activities. Many patients are pleasantly pleased by the swift progress they achieve during their healing process.

Long-term effective

When evaluating the benefits of knee replacement surgery, it is critical to consider its long-term effectiveness. This surgical method is intricately designed to deliver long-term answers. They can resist the demands of daily life by using contemporary implants comprised of tough and lasting materials. As a result, patients can enjoy the benefits of the procedure for many years.

Diminish need for pain medications

A great advantage of knee replacement surgery is its ability to reduce the need for pain medications. Chronic knee pain frequently requires the use of such drugs that can have serious side effects and long-term health consequences. Thus, the benefits of knee replacement surgery extend beyond pain reduction to include broader aspects of well-being.

Highly personalized

The advancement of knee replacement treatments has resulted in more personalized approaches. Surgeons now consider the patient’s age, activity level, and overall health when determining the best implant and surgical approach. This individualized approach ensures that each patient’s unique needs are satisfied, resulting in better outcomes.

The benefits of this knee replacement surgery extend beyond physical comfort to include emotional well-being, regained functionality, and excitement for life.

An insight into the procedure of knee replacement surgery

 The process of knee replacement involves three steps

  • Preoperative evaluation
  • Surgical procedure
  • Post-operative care

Preoperative preparation

The surgeon evaluates the overall health of the patient. Thereafter, he discusses the process, benefits, and risks associated with it.

Surgical procedure

The procedure includes

  • anaesthesia administration to ensure the comfort of the patient
  • performing surgical incision over the knee to access the joint
  • removing damaged cartilage on the surface of bone by scraping
  • shaping the remaining bone surfaces to fit prosthetic components.
  • Attaching components such as tibial and patellar components to the original bone
  • The surgeon then evaluates the stability and range of motion of the newly implanted knee joint.
  • The incision is closed with either sutures or staples.

Overall, for younger patients with significant joint degeneration, knee replacement surgery can provide long-term relief, potentially preventing further deterioration and the need for additional procedures. It can promote an active lifestyle, improve joint health, and alleviate secondary disorders caused by changed gait and posture.

If you are looking for the Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Chandigarh, look no further than Dr. Manu Mengi. He has established himself as a trustworthy specialist in knee replacement surgery due to his expertise and continuous commitment to patient well-being. His dedication to achieving exceptional results and providing individualized care ensures that patients receive top-notch therapy for their knee issues. Dr. Manu Mengi can help you with your knee replacement needs in Chandigarh. Reach out to him today.

An Insight into Knee Replacement Surgery and Its Benefits

Many people have knee replacements for many reasons, the most common of which is osteoarthritis, a disorder characterized by the depletion of cartilage that cushions the knee joint. This degradation results in bone-on-bone contact, which causes severe agony. Alternatively, some people may need a new knee due to rheumatoid arthritis, which is characterized by chronic joint inflammation.

Furthermore, people choose knee replacement after suffering an injury that causes chronic knee discomfort and impairs normal function. These circumstances lead to the steady worsening of knee discomfort over time. Determining the need for knee replacement surgery is not always simple. You and your doctor will analyze many aspects, such as X-ray or MRI findings, pain level, physical capabilities, personal medical history, and weight.

During a knee replacement surgery, worn-out or damaged knee joint components are replaced. The purpose of this operation is to improve knee functionality and relieve discomfort. During the procedure, plastic and metal components are used to repair the damaged cartilage and bone.

A surgeon evaluates the knee’s strength, stability, and range of motion to establish whether a replacement is appropriate for a particular patient. X-rays can also shed light on the degree of damage to the knee. Personalized considerations such as age, weight, activity level, knee size and shape, and general health are considered while choosing the right replacement joints and surgical procedures.

Conditions treated with knee replacement include –

  • Swelling
  • Limited mobility
  • Stiffness
  • Joint pain

Arthritis is the main reason for knee replacement surgery, and most patients choose to have the procedure due to osteoarthritis. On the other hand, rheumatoid arthritis patients could occasionally need knee replacement surgery. During the surgery, the surgeon will remove the damaged cartilage and bones. If your cartilage’s natural smooth cushion has been destroyed or removed, he will replace it with a plastic spacer.

The prosthetic parts that your surgeon uses to replace your knee are quite like the actual knee. The prosthetic knee joint is made of plastic and metal, not bone and cartilage. It is precisely crafted to resemble the size, form, and operation of a real knee joint.

Overall, a safe and effective operation that helps people regain mobility and get rid of chronic pain is knee replacement. Patients who have knee replacements usually report reduced pain, improved knee functionality and mobility, and an overall increase in their quality of life.

The knee replacement process improves and restores joint function, which increases range of motion and flexibility. When people can participate in everyday activities more comfortably, their newly acquired physical ability frequently leads to an overall improvement in quality of life.

Are you looking for knee replacement surgery? Seek expertise of a highly skilled professional Dr. Manu Mengi. Being a reputed Knee Replacement Surgeon in Chandigarh, he ensures that individuals receive personalized care, guiding them through the entire process, from pre-surgery evaluations to post-operative rehabilitation. So far, he has successfully helped numerous individuals regain mobility and alleviate knee-related issues.

Reach out to Dr. Manu Mengi, a highly professional Knee Replacement Surgeon in Chandigarh, who offers a comprehensive array of services related to knee replacement. Grab the opportunity to discover advanced and effective solutions tailored to your needs.

Knee Pain Treatment – Surgical and Non-Surgical Options

The knees are one of human body’s most utilized joints — they bear approximately 3-4 times the body weight with each step. The staggering amount of work the knees perform means that most people will invariably face knee pain at some point of their lives. This could be short term discomfort, inflammation and dislocations caused by trauma or age and weight related issues like Osteoarthritis.

Treatment of knee pain depends upon the underlying cause and the degree of damage to the joint and surrounding tissue. Inflammation and pain in the knee region can be self-managed by RICE therapy—Resting it to allow proper healing, Icing the swollen area for 20-30 minutes, 4-5 times a day, Compressing the knee using a wrap and Elevating the knee to prevent fluid buildup in the affected region. Joint deformation, puncture wounds, suspected fractures, excessive redness and swelling, fever and lack of relief from RICE therapy are indicative of conditions that require medical attention.

Non-Surgical Knee Pain Treatment: –

Oral medication

Oral medicine of various kinds can be effective against knee pain. Depending on the diagnosis, a physician may prescribe a course of analgesics for pain relief, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pain and inflammation or oral corticosteroids.

Arthrocentesis procedure

This procedure involves the use of a needle to remove joint fluid from the knee, primarily for lab tests. The removal of excess fluid, however, can alleviate pain and reduce inflammation by itself.

Injecting Hyaluronic Acid Supplements

Hyaluronic acid is the substance that helps absorb shocks and lubricates the knee joint, ensuring proper and safe motion. People with Osteoarthritis (a condition that alters the shape or structure of the joints) often suffer from a breakdown of hyaluronic acid. Supplementing by injecting hyaluronic acid directly into the knee joint can significantly ease pain.

Injecting Corticosteroids

Injecting corticosteroids directly into the knee joint can bring immediate relief to swollen, aching knees. The effect of these injections can last from several days to over six months. Continuous knee injections, however, can cause cartilage breakdown so this procedure should not be relied upon for long-term pain management.

Platelet Rich Plasma Injection (Click to read more)

Using patient’s blood PRP is prepared & injected into the knee joint. It is one of the safest procedures available.

Surgical Option: –

Knee surgery is usually a last resort option for when all other procedures have failed to cure knee pain. The degree of invasiveness involved varies with the extent of damage and structural modification required.


A minimally invasive surgery performed for removal or repair of torn menisci, trimming pieces of joint cartilage, repairing torn cruciate ligament and removing inflamed joint lining or loose bodies from the knee. The surgery entails making small incisions in the knee to insert a lighted scope and small instruments to carry out the procedure.

Osteotomy – Proximal Fibular Osteotomy (Click to read more)

This surgery entails reshaping and repositioning the bones to take the load off the damaged area of the knee. Performed in cases where the damage in limited to one section of the knee or wherein the patient is unwilling to undergo total knee replacement.

Total knee Replacement

If knee damage is substantial and irreparable by means of other procedures, it requires the removal of the top of the tibia (shin bone) and the damaged part of the bone at the end of femur (thigh bone), and/or of the patella (knee-cap). The surgeon will then replace the removed parts with prosthetic components typically made from metal alloys and high-grade plastic.